Baby boomers retirement myth

Baby Boomers & Retirement Facts

Craig Karpel states his belief that most Baby Boomers will never be able to retire. How’s that for an attention-getter? Karpel is the author of the book entitled, The Retirement Myth, published by Harper Collins. In his book, Karpel states that retirement, as we now know it, will only exist for the rich. According to Karpel, most of us are blissfully unaware that we may not have the resources necessary for our golden years.

The Retirement Myth For Baby Boomers

The Retirement Myth is must reading for the Baby Boomer group. Karpel brings reality home by uncovering our unfounded belief that either the government, our company pension, or the tooth fairy is going to step in and provide enough income for Americans as they age into retirement.

Unless you’ve faced financial facts and made genuine strides at managing your current lifestyle for your future, don’t read this book before you go to bed.